Thursday, June 28, 2007

What career(s) interest me?

One of the careers that interest me is athletics and if that do not work out for me I will work on building my very own company that will be very helpful in the future to everyone.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Video Game Development

I finally get to know how to create a game, this is one of the things I'm interested in because I love games even though I don't have one of my own. This class will help me understand how to make a game, and how to put everything like sound, character's, and movement. This is a very educating class to me and maybe to some other people to.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Blog Talk Radio

As you can see on my page I have a blog talk radio thing. You can click there to here my radio channel. Its great having thing like this and learning new things every single morning. Anyone can come and listen to my channel anytime they want to but I can only be one, once a day so thats good to and we can talk about anything we want to ( I love it).

Digital Sound & Video

Digital sound is a very interesting part to learn about because you have to like learn how to work on the sound of your voice on the computer after you talk threw the microphone. Digital video was one of the things I like the most at this camp because we got a chance at filming people and places we like at El Centro college.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Programming with Alice

Yesterday was a great thing for me because I never had a chance to do anything like thf Alice program. I would love to find a way I could get any of these programs on my home computer.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Computer Security/ Voice over IP

These things here are great things to protect your computer and to talk to friends while your online yourself. Computer Security is a very important part when it comes to having a computer. Voice over IP is just another way you can talk to some of your friends .

Smart Home Technology

This technology is the most important thing you need to know when it comes down to protecting your home and your computer at the sametime. It talks about all the things you can use when it comes to safe. Things like camera's, motion detecters, and other security things.

How am I different now?

Well Im different now because at first I didn't know anything about Hardware Trobleshooting and every since I learned about it I feel like I can do anything to a computer to protect it. If anyone ask me about things like this I will be able to answer there question at anytime.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Hardware/Network Technology

Yesterday learned somethings about technology, which was about computer. Even though I knew some of the things it was interesting that I got to take out some parts from the computer.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Web page

Yesterday I had a great time in my computer class, it was very fun. We created a web page for ourself but I don't know if it has loaded yet. It was very cool to hace made my own web page.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007


Yesterday I had a great day at extreme techno camp. I learned to do things on the internet other than being on myspace. Now I can work on things from the class at home to. This photo was one of the things I learn how to do.

Monday, June 4, 2007

About Technology

This is a great picture of technology because it shows you that technology come from things like energy in order to become any type of technology.
This link shows the history of technology before your time and during your time.

Techno Camp

  1. My name is Dwayne
  2. I attend Lincoln High School, next year I will be in the 12th grade.
  3. My favorite type of food is pizza.
  4. The best thing I like to do for fun is play video games,and play football.
  5. If I could travel anywhere in the world, I would go to Roman, Italy.
  6. If I had plenty of money and could do anything, I would like to build my own company.
  7. One thing unique about me is that I am quiet person sometimes, handsome, and very smart.